Top of the Top Dawgs

Well, it appears we can celebrate, give a tip of the hat, call out a pip, pip, pip and a hearty cheer! The team of father and son Nicoll-Griffith's tied together in the middle by sailor-extraordinaire Hugh Strudwick have won the first completed Tuesday night Good Neighbours Series A racing. However the team sailing a Shark that we think just may be the Top Dawg of the exclusive "Top Dawgs of Montreal Sailing" almost didn't pull it off. Giving them extreme heat in the first GNS series of 2010 was another Shark team of Peter Rahn on Eclipse. It got pretty confusing due to a mix up in results, but the threat from Peter's shiny green Shark was unmistakable.

The third podium is owned by the ever-pressing John Linton and team on the Tanzer 22, Encore Une Fois. Once again, John breaks up the feeding frenzy of Sharks at the top of the heap. John beat out a large fleet of Sharks with his Tanzer 22, all trying but failing to take a bite out of his stern rear end.

Montreal Sailing congratulates all of the teams out there that have made the opening round of summer so much fun.


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